Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Practice 13. the superlative

Hi everybody, here are some links  to practice the superlative

1. answer the exercises and write score on your notebook

2. Copy on your notebook the story about Prague

3. watch the video and do the exercies online, finally write your score on your notebook

Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday, 18 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Practice 10. Present Perfect

1.  Watch the video and write on your notebook 5 sentences from  songs with Present Perfect

2 Put the in order the sentences, some of them are questions aand negative sentences. Write 5 sentences in your notebook

3. Write your score on your notebook

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Practice 9. Make or Do and verbs in past participle

1. Click on the following link, choose the correct answers and write the score in your notebook.;quiz=1217_do_make

2. Complete the chart with the participle of the verbs, and write the score.

3. Choose the correct answer and write on your notebook the score

4. Watch and do the exercise, write the sentences in you notebook.